The Fault In Our Stars ReviewED.


So the movie is out! <<spoiler alert>>



This is a pretty cool variation of that poster.

tfios poster 2


While it premiered on June 6th in the US, it was much much later that it came out in Asia,  even more so for Singapore.

Thus there were more,  you know, spoilers on the inter-webs for our perusal.  But anyway, when the movie finally came (or when we finally had the time to watch it), my friends and I went to the cinema,  grabbed a big-ass tub of popcorn with drinks and ran into the cinema.

The movie does live up to its romance/comedy/drama genre and I’d say it’s pretty much due to the interactions between Shailene Woodley and Ansel Elgort (he would probably much more famous if he’s name wasn’t so hard to remember.)

This is better chemistry than anything that can be seen in school labs
This is the good chemistry, unlike the kind in the labs.

Onto the little criticism. (hey i’m no rotten tomato but this is just my opinion)

This serves no function other than not having to say the word 'always' in the movie
Great animation, but was it really necessary?

Okay. This is a completely overused quote from the book/movie. And it doesn’t even deserve quote status seeing that it’s just one word being repeated over and over.  I don’t think it serves much purpose in the movie other than allowing the actors to not have to say “always” like Isaac and Monica. (Don’t say it reaaaaal slow)

Also, there was blatant product placement. Josh Boone must love apples. I mean, everyone was using Macs and IPhone- I’ve had one and I refuse to believe that those things can last an entire night and that the brightness hasn’t rendered Shailene Woodley near blind.

This is sweet and all...
This is sweet and all…

But was it really necessary? And would people actually clap if you were to kiss at the Anne Frank house in Amsterdam?  Did anyone try that??  It’s kinda harsh having these kinds of scenes before having us cry our little hearts out at Gus dying.


Oh and there’s also the insult scale escalating from a “douchetard” to a “go fuck yourself”. Well, that sure escalated quickly.

william dafoe


It’s sad that wasn’t much to show for Willem Dafoe’s part, and he was also relatively under-appreciated.

Well...hey there cutie.
Well…hey there cutie.

I’d be more of “Well excuse me over there. Why don’t you take off that jacket and lets see where it hurts.” it probably wouldn’t hurt much though.

tfios youre beautiful
You wanna fight huh?


For a girl supposedly “depressed because i’m dying” (in a movie), she’s a pretty smile-y girl. And for a guy you just met? I mean, he’s buff and pretty hot stuff, but…. (trying to pull a Peter Van Houten here.)


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