My heart hates stereotypes

Okay so just some 10minutes ago, while i was at Burger King eating dinner(dont judge), this old man suddenly came up to me, and asked me,

“girl, are you a student” well. I was in my school uniform so i pretty much just nodded my head.

“Are you in secondary school?” Okay fine i guess 17 is not very old, but after visiting a secondary school this afternoon, i get this impression that sec school kids have this gullible look about them. Well thats not me. So i shook my head and said no, i was in JC.

“What JC are you from?” At this point i thought the old man was asking for his granddaughter and stuff; so i told him i was from NYJC.

“Is that a new JC?” Well hello. Singapore is 49 this year and NY is some 30 over years old. My secondary school was only 11 years old! But then again i tried not to stereotype and be more understanding, so i said nope.

“But youre not from the top JCs right, like Hwa Chong, national…..” okay….. so what? Do you expect haw chongers and njcians to eat dinner at  burger king? Theyd probably be sucking escargots at some fancy schmancy french restaurant.

Well girl, that means youre not so smart.”
This is where all this pissedofness began bubbling like the reused oil in the burger king cauldron..  okay so im your average girl, not very smart, not very stupid, not very pretty. Im j8st the girl next door your mother does not compare you against. Maybe its the pms hormones fighting in my vagina ( or ovaries. Whatever.) Or maybe it was being called fat like 100 times within an hour.( thats an even longer story.) My point here is that id like to think i am a reasonable, realistic person. If you think im fat, go ahead and call me fat, not curvy or anything else im not. Im fine with that because i really am fat, my BMI is above 25 and i jiggle not like most of the other asian girls. At least ill be less likely to eat that double chocolate cookie or muffin. Wht i dont like, however, is being repeatedly called fat(or stupid for that matter) over and over again. Isnt one time enough? I acknoledged your point and i admitted that its true, telling me 1 or 100 more times wont change much in an hour. I wont suddenly slim down and become solve complex numbers within an hour. Worse still, id become anorexic or depressed and kill myself or what. Is that what you want?

Damn i need some chocolates. More on this later(maybe.)

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